• A child with tattoos on his lips and a small bowler hat - a mockery of the frightening Bowler Man - delivered an invitation to a "celebratory dinner" at an address that turned out - when investigated by Parva, Flews and Gyr - to be a dilapidated graveyard in Six Towers. A quiescent graveyard - unoccupied, at least by the living.
• Cricket and SBD were also given an invitation - verbal instructions from a local urchin to attend a meeting at the Tea Shop with Old Man Keel from the oddities stall in Night Market.
• Mr. Keel turned out to be more than the low level fence he'd always appeared. Turns out he is a heavy in Nightmarket - a fixer with a citywide reputation for getting whatever one needs, by whatever means required.
• He let the Queer know that he held them personally responsible for getting his daughter - Petra Keel, the city council clerk they had been tapping for help - pinched by the Bluecoats. He understood that the authorities were just using her to get to him, but he blamed the party for putting her in a compromising position.
• Keel told the characters he expected them to get her out of the jam or else. If they broke her out, he would not have them murdered, but there would still be a major debt to pay. If they managed to get the charges dropped, and her life back, they would earn a very well-connected fence (the party's first Turf expansion).
• On their way back to the lair, Parva, Flews and Gyr were followed, and Parva, assuming it was the Bowler Man, allowed their pursuers to track them to the sewer hideout. As it played out, the thugs were in the employ of Lord Bowmore and had a message to deliver - paraphrased, the message was, " you fucked with the wrong rich bastard, and now he's having you killed." The resulting fight was fast and bloody and even involved a grenade. Flews was so badly hurt she was able to take only limited part in the subsequent job.
• The party decided to frame one of Petra's co-workers - a man by the name Orlan - for her petty crimes, by the expedient of forcing him to confess. They fatefully decided to use his three children as leverage.
• The Queer broke into Orlan's house, terrorized he and his wife, then drugged and kidnapped their children. They told Orlan that a lawyer would come in the morning to take him someplace, and once there he would have to swear out a statement of confession, and that if he did not cooperate, they would kill his children. The screaming mother was heartbreaking and the frightened father pathetic. (It was one of the darkest scenes I have ever GMed.)
• Gyr and Cricket took the tranced children and hid them under a tarp at the bottom of a night soil wagon to smuggle them out of the neighborhood. They were reckless however, and one of the children suffocated under the pile of wet shit.
• The next morning, Parva, deeply shaken and guilt ridden from the group's actions of the night before, came to the house posing as the lawyer. He took Orlan to the Bluecoats and witnessed his confession for crimes he did not commit, to save his children - one of whom was already dead.